Think before you type

When I was in primary school

I read books at lightning speed 

I was the kid who sat in class at lunch

I just really loved to read 


I read about all sorts of things

Many books, they blew my mind

But what it really taught me

Is how to express these things I find 


I read non fiction about horses

I read stories about life

I loved Australian novels 

I devoured books at night 


My mind was always spinning full

Of all these fancy places

And if I even closed my eyes 

I could imagine all their faces 


The novels they intrigued me

The poems caught my eye

And then along came the internet 

My book days began to die 


But these days my novel reading

Has been replaced with blogs and docs

I read posts on Facebook 

The art of spelling has been lost 


I pay more attention than you realise 

Of how people talk down to one another 

They think that hiding behind a keyboard 

Is an excuse to be a fighter not a lover 


While the first thought comes to mind 

They may not like what they just read 

They don’t take the time to word carefully 

The thoughts inside their head!


Some write down their initial response

Designed to belittle the one who typed

They jump on the band wagon 

Of sensationalised internet hype 


Perhaps if they waited a moment longer

Had they re read what they wrote 

The answer that they gave online

And not jumped down their throat 


They might have saved some anguish

Or spared feelings of the one who posted 

Perhaps instead of belittling 

They could have thought before they boasted 


I don’t like to sugar coat things

Unless it is my food 

I much prefer to tell it like it is 

But still, I don’t have to be rude! 


My students will all tell you 

I can criticise them with care 

I can praise when praise is needed 

Without any graces or airs 


My goal is to lift people up

To help them enjoy the ride 

To learn horsie things with fun

Without hurting them inside 


But in this modern world of horses

Teaching comes in many forms 

Sometimes it’s in person 

And other times the written word 


Sometimes it’s a video 

Showing just how I do a thing 

I’ve got to be brave to post it

Because critics it can bring


Videos are fabulous 

To teach and show my thoughts 

But do I need to sensor these 

To hide smart alec retorts? 


Take from them what you wish

But know I have thought about them with care 

To show you how I handle things 

I’m proud of what I share 


And while I can still realise 

That some will always disagree 

They might just give others hope

It may be just what they need! 


It’s ok to have a different perspective 

It’s even fine to disagree 

But think about how you voice your thoughts 

Is it really necessary? 


You can give someone your opinion 

Without being unkind 

You could even choose to bite your tongue 

And keep the thoughts inside your mind 


Learning comes in many forms

The internet is so easy to share 

I still haven’t learned to use instagram 

I forget it’s even there 😂


So while I’m stuck in Facebook world

You may have to bear with me

Technology is more advanced 

Than I’ll probably ever be


But while I am still able

To share my knowledge with you

Sometimes you’ll have to read my poems

Or perhaps a video will do


Occasionally when I’m up late at night 

I’ll comment on someone’s post

But read the way I type to others

You’ll find I’m kinder than most 


I never claim to know it all

If I do, I may as well be dead 

Because none of us have all the answers 

Sitting in our head


Instead we can choose to help others

With the knowledge that we show

And keep reading, writing and watching 

To increase the skills we know 


So try to think before you speak 

Re read before you type 

Are you truly being helpful 

Or just increasing social media hype?