Kind Words

From Dakota Murfitt
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I know for a fact that I could never be where I am now without the help of Kellie. She has been there for the whole journey. It hasn’t been the easiest thing I’ve ever done but it sure is worth it.

What they said...

I started getting lessons with Kellie around 2 years ago. When I went to her I had very little riding experience.  I had my first lesson on Mooney. We spent almost the whole lesson just getting me used to Mooney. That’s something that I have always liked about Kellie is that she always puts you and the horses needs before anything. 

After a few months of lessons, Mooney needed a place to stay for six weeks while Kellie was away. We couldn’t say no so she ended up staying in our paddock for a few weeks. When she went home it wasn’t the same not being able to go outside and see a horse’s face. When Kellie heard about this, she told me that she could find me a horse to put in the paddock. This is where Duggie comes along. 

He was in our paddock for probably only 2 weeks when we had fallen in love with him. He ended up staying. The only thing was that at that time he was only 3. So, he had to spell in the paddock for over a year before being re broken in.  Not long after Duggie came along, his half-sister Khani was being advertised. Kellie came with us to give her input on her. Again, we couldn’t say no so she came home. 

As Khani was older she could be re broken in before Duggie could. She went to Kellie for 6 weeks so she could be re started. When she was there, I was able to be part of helping break her in. Once she came back home Kellie would come out for a lesson every week to teach me as we both were still very new to everything. A few months ago, I started jumping Khani. 

The training day for hunting was coming up. We decided to give that a go. We attended the preliminary hunt but by then hunting was already one of both mine and Khani’s favourite things to do.  So here I am with both of my horses doing things with them that I never thought I would be doing.  I know for a fact that I could never be where I am now without the help of Kellie. She has been there for the whole journey. It hasn’t been the easiest thing I’ve ever done but it sure is worth it.