I’d like to buy a horse

I’d like to buy a horse, 

She thought it seemed rather fun 

She liked the palomino type

The buckskins or the dun

One with thick and luscious mane

A tail that drags onto the floor 

One that will wow all her friends

And leave them wanting more!

She’d ridden horses at riding camp 

And at her uncles farm

She thought that she had galloped 

And never come to any harm 

She may have had a lesson

Turned up and just hopped on

But when she’d finished riding 

She jumped in the car and went home 

She didn’t see how to catch the horse

Or how to tie the rope

She didn’t know how to check it’s feet

So how will she ever cope? 

It’s possible her parents 

didn’t want to wait in the car

Or maybe in their family

Their money didn’t stretch too far

The lessons came few and far between 

Not as often as she’d like

Perhaps her father wishes

Instead she’d choose a bike!

Maybe she never had a mentor

Someone on which she could depend

A knowledgeable horse person 

To stop her going round the bend

She may not have had the chance

To watch and learn some skills

Quite simply her parents wanted to 

But couldn’t afford the bills. 

So instead she thought she’d learn

When she bought that new green horse

Because it’s young and gentle

They’ll learn together of course!

She told herself she’d have lessons 

To teach her through and through

But the horse put its leg in a fence

And she didn’t know what to do!

The farrier she had organised

Had cut his feet to short

But because she has no one helping her

She’s got nothing to report 

The fantastic brand new pellets

That she bought from fodder shop 

Just don’t seem to be quite working 

And lots of weight he dropped. 

The bit she bought to put in his mouth

He seems to shut his teeth

And what is all that crusty stuff?

What even is a sheath? 

That saddle that she bought online

She thought it seemed good size

Her horse winces every time

To us it’s no surprise 

Bought with the best intentions

She loves the horse to bits

Even when he won’t come when called

And gives her the shits!

She is just stumped with problems

And cannot work out why

That little things the horse will do

Can make her want to cry

She said she can’t afford a lesson

Her car broke down this week

Perhaps her horse had cut a leg

Her partner was going to freak 

And so it stops this learning curve

She’s truly stuck in a rut 

Her horse is running round the paddock

She can’t catch him, he’s a nut 

His feet are looking pretty rough 

She can’t work out just what went wrong

But perhaps it’s not the Farrier

She just left them grow too long!

He is reluctant to take the bit

And holds his head up high

Maybe he needs a dentist 

But no one told her why

She asked her friends from next door

What they thought she should do

But are their horses in top health? 

They really haven’t got a clue 

It’s far too easy to make mistakes

When horse and rider are green

If they haven’t learnt horse care

Amongst all the other things they’ve seen 

And so I encourage all of you

To invest time into yourself

Don’t leave that horsemanship book

Sitting dusty on the shelf 

If someone gives you the chance 

To watch them school a horse

Take them up on the offer 

It can be better than any course! 

Save up your dollars for a lesson

Even once in a little while 

You’ll find you’ll keep yourself on track

For more than riding style 

Do you really need that saddle pad 

That looked amazing in online store 

Or are dollars better invested

When you want to learn some more? 

Perhaps you could volunteer 

At your local RDA

They’re always looking for a hand

You’ll make some rider’s day!

There must be a local riding school 

That could do with help from you 

I’m sure that there are hints and tricks 

You learn better when you “do”

There’s probably someone you can shadow 

To keep you on the right track 

Just add to any skills you’ve learnt 

Or knowledge that you lack

Most horse people that I know

Are happy to assist a mate

Isn’t it better you ask them now

Than when it is too late? 

Don’t be ashamed to ask for help 

When you’re not really too sure

So many times things are left too long 

Because people are crying poor!

Trust me when I say I understand 

How it can cost more than you earn,

I’m just here to say 

There are so many different ways to learn.

No matter how bad things get

There is really no reason why 

Your horse should start to suffer

Because you too soon, did buy! 

If you find your horse 

Is starting to cost more than you can pay 

Cut out all that fancy horse gear

And give the poor bugger hay 

So when you start to learn to ride

Ask if you can stay and watch

There are so many extra things to learn 

That won’t be extra cost!